
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Finding the slope with two points

On the CSTs and the CAHSEE you are expected to be able to find the slope of a line with two points.  Here we walk through the process.  This lesson is unedited you should be able to find a mistake (hint: 7-2 does not equal 4 so where's the mistake?)

Finding the Slope of a Line with Two Points

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pythagorean Theorem

It is CAHSEE time!  One of the items that always makes it appearance on the CAHSEE is the Pythagorean Theorem.  For any right triangle the squares of the lengths of the sides is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. Here we share a proof of this theorem.

Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Explaining the parts of the coodinate plane

This video is timely as we start to think about the California Standards Tests (CSTs) coming up.  We are reviewing the parts of the coordinate plane and how to graph a point.

This also is our first attempt to convert and publish our video in an MP4 format.  Please let us know if you can view this movie on any mobile devices.

The Coordinate Plane

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Introduction to Graphing Vocabulary

If you are going to describe a graph it helps to know some key graph vocabulary.  In the video below we use words like "increasing", "decreasing" and "constant" to indicate the vertical direction the graph is moving (up, down, or staying the same).  We use adjectives to describe the steepness of the slope.  "Rapidly" and "Sharply" indicates a steeper slope than "slowly" or "gradually".

Did we leave some words out?  Please post a comment if you can think of other words we might have used.

Graph Vocabulary

Friday, October 22, 2010

Combining Algebra & Geometry

In this video two Geometry students combine Algebra and Geometry.  We also learn that we need to practice our writing on the Smart Board.

Algebra & Geometry - A Look at Triangle Angles